Learning Environment

The fact that this fully funded training is completely online and can be accessed from home offers a lot of flexibility and convenience for individuals who may have other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities, that make it difficult to attend traditional in-person training programs. With this training, you can study at your own pace, with an instructor leading, and from any location with an internet connection.

Throughout the training, you will have access to support from the program coordinator. This can include things like one-on-one meetings, email or chat support, and access to a virtual learning community. The program coordinator can help you stay on track with your coursework, answer any questions you have, and provide guidance and support as you work towards completing the program.

Overall, the online format of this training combined with the support of a program coordinator can make for a very effective and convenient learning experience that allows you to develop new skills and advance your career from the comfort of your own home.

A virtual learning environment (VLE) is a web-based platform that allows learners to access and participate in educational activities and resources online. When taking training online, a VLE can provide a structured and organized approach to learning, as well as opportunities for interactive and collaborative experiences.

Here are some pros and cons of using a VLE for online training:


  1. Accessibility: With a VLE, learners can access course materials and resources at any time and from any location with an internet connection, making it convenient for those with busy schedules or who live far away from a physical training center.
  2. Flexibility: Online training can be tailored to the individual learner’s pace and learning style, allowing them to complete modules or assessments when they have the time and in a way that suits them best.
  3. Interactivity: VLEs can incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes, discussion forums, and virtual simulations, which can engage learners and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.
  4. Collaborative learning: VLEs can also provide opportunities for learners to collaborate with their peers through online discussions and group assignments, fostering a sense of community and social learning.
  5. Cost-effective: Online training delivered through a VLE can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training since there are no physical resources needed, such as a classroom or instructor travel expenses.


  1. Technical issues: VLEs require a reliable internet connection and technical proficiency, which can pose challenges for some learners. Technical issues, such as slow internet speeds or incompatible devices, can also disrupt the learning experience.
  2. Limited interaction: Online training delivered through a VLE can lack the face-to-face interaction and personal attention that traditional classroom-based training provides. This can be particularly challenging for learners who need additional support or guidance.
  3. Distractions: With online training, learners can be distracted by other websites or applications on their devices, which can affect their focus and productivity.
  4. Lack of motivation: Online training can be challenging for learners who lack self-discipline and motivation, as it requires a significant amount of self-directed learning and study.
  5. Reduced engagement: Without the physical presence of an instructor or other learners, learners may feel less engaged in the training and more disconnected from the learning experience.

Overall, a virtual learning environment can provide a convenient and flexible approach to training, but it also requires learners to be self-disciplined and motivated to succeed. While there are some potential drawbacks to using a VLE, many of these can be mitigated through careful planning and design of the online training program.